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SMALL ADJUSTMENTS GALLERY: 965 / DATE: Jun 12 2017 / IMAGES: 109 / VIDEOS: 2 |  |  |  |
Small adjustments make all the difference when applying severe leather bondage. As far as we are concerned here at SBI, bondage needs to be effective, inescapable, and as comfortable as can be acheived given the type of gear. This video shows the use of Humane Restraint gear being applied to our willing subject, and the small adjustments that are made during the process.
Way back at the start of this website around 2009 we purchased a ton of new and used Humane Restraint on eBay. All in all, we probably spent $2,000 and acquired a wide variety of straps, locking and non-locking wrist and ankle cuffs, hand mitts, and canvas bed straps with and without attached cuffs. For years Humane Restraint has been in the business of manufacturing restraints for hospital and medical use, and for a long time they wouldn't sell any of their restraints to the general public. However, in the last 10-15 years they seemed to have relaxed their rules and now sell to the public and even take custom orders. I would bet that because of the growing interest in bondage worldwide, Humane Restraint couldn't pass up the opportunity to sell to the kinky market. In any case, they make some cool gear. Recently, due to changing sanitary laws, hospitals are dumping their leather restraints and replacing them with heavy plastic restraints also made by Humane Restraint. These restraints are easily washable and sanatised, but as far as I'm concerned they aren't as exciting as genuine heavy leather gear.
So, the video in this update shows our friend Daton doing what he does best, which is applying bondage gear. Dalton's knowledge and attention to detail allows him to step back and access his work, applying more straps when needed and making small adjustments to further bind his subjects. This video ducuments his unique bondage skill, while his subject makes moans and groans as he decends into subspace. The only piece of gear which is not made by Humane Restraint is the tan leather muzzle. This fun piece of gear is manufactured by our friends at ChurchOfSinvention in Canada. They make a few other pieces of bondage gear in tan leather which matches Humane Restraint gear and typical institutional straitjackets and canvas gear from Maxcita. So, there are enough suppliers to allow you to acquire a complete collection of institutional and medical restraints to fulfill your hospital fantasies.
This update also includes a second video titled 'The Sting Team'. These guys strapped their friend into a Maxcita straitjacket and lifted him off the floor with an overhead winch. Once his feet are off the floor they use Humane Restraint cuffs and straps to pull his feet up behind him, so he is even more helpless. Then, using paddles and stingy whips, they torment this poor guy while he yelps and thrashes about, unable to protect himself from the thuds and stings. At the beginning of this video he's wearing a metal posture collar neck brace from CarraraDesigns in Belgium. It's a cool piece of gear that someone had loaned us.
Both of the videos in this update are from our archives, shot in 2012. A special thanks to the guys in these two videos. The manufacturers we mentioned were Humane Restraint, ChurchOfSinvention, Maxcita, and CarraraDesigns. And, as I always say, you can never have enough gear! |
RUBBER ENCASEMENT GALLERY: 964 / DATE: Jun 6 2017 / IMAGES: 41 / VIDEOS: 2 |  |  |  |
The addition of rubber to a bondage scene can increase the excitement and erotic experience. I don't exactly know why this is, but I enjoy rubber and it sure seems to work for me. As a matter of fact, I spent a few hours in a private solitaty confinment cell last night in rubber and it was great. I had thick rubber gloves on which not only felt great but also protected my wrists from the harsh metal shackles. Videos of this private jail cell facility will be available on this website in the future.
In any case, this update includes two videos. The first video is titled 'Rubber Encasement' and has two parts. The first part features our friend SFdom (Recon) and his friend in a StudioGum rubber sleepsack. SFdom covers his eyes with medical eye bandages and then fits him with an ansthesia mask which is connected to a hospital ventilator. During this scene you can hear him fight the ventilator's constant and forced rythemic air supply as the machine forces him to inhale and exhale at the machine's speed. Since this gimp is strapped down there is little he can do to resist the machine's rythem so he is forced to comply with it's pace. The game is taken a notch higher as SFdom strokes him with a vibrator. This presents a problem because as the gimp gets more excited his breathing rate increases and conflicts with the machine's rythem. None the less, the gimp manages to get off in an unexpected explosion, Lucky he was covered in rubber!
The second part of the first video features a guy in a unique rubber hood from Cocoon in the UK. This rubber manufacturer has been around since the early 1980's, long before the Internet. As far as I'm concerned, they made the best thick gauge glued rubber hoods, and probably still do. Not only is this a unique hood, but the guy is this scene is tied spread eagle using black and amber rubber medical hose. This hose it totally great mecause it has a bit of give to it which allows the gimp to struggle and thrash about but not escape. As far as I'm concerned the medical hose is much better than rope. Check out this part of the video and decide for yourself.
The second video is this update is something which you may have seen before. It's a promo video our friend Bind made for his historic Hampton jail in Franklin County Iowa. It's a 'G' rated promo video but the interesting thing to note is that he's added a second jail door in cell 3, to this cell now has two jail doors seperating the prisoner from the guard. I can't wait to experience cell 3 myself. The video is kinda corny but it has some good shots of his jail. Check out Bind's website MenInChains for a large selection of 'no porn' bondage videos, and his website HamptonJail.com in case you would like to book a stay in a REAL jail facility. His jail facility is the real deal. |
OPERATING ROOM ANTICS GALLERY: 960 / DATE: May 20 2017 / IMAGES: 86 / VIDEOS: 2 |  |  |  |
The two videos in this update are from our archives, origionally shot in 2012. Rank and his friends from MIR - Mister International Rubber pose as operating room staff and administer a rubber enema MIR style. Yep! The head doctor is Rank himself, while his staff consists of a guy in a rubber urinal suit and metal bondage stocks, and a guy on the floor in a rubber gimp suit receiving e-stim. The patient is another rubber gimp who is strapped down to a gyno table where he will receive the enema. Rank's specialty is creating bizarre rubber scenes, and this one is right up there in terms of gross-out and weirdness. I guess anything goes with these MIR guys, so long as rubber is involved. The enema output of this crazy treatment is drained directly into the rubber urinal attached to the first guy. WTF!
The second video in this update shows Dalton restraining a guest of SBI into the famous bondage chair. The guest makes cooing noises as Dalton tightens the straps, which is a good sign. This chair has inspired many other kinksters to build their own chairs, and we are excited that there are so many variations. I can think of at least 5 chairs featured on this website alone which have been built as a result of seeing our chair. And, our chair was inspired by similar chairs used in movies over the years. I built this chair myself, and my goal was to make an extremely intimidating piece of gear which had as many points of restraint as possible. I think my chair has 19 points of restraint if you include a neck collar which isn't shown in this video. My idea was to get lost in bondage, which I think I acheived.
A special thanks to Rank and the guys from MIR, Dalton and his guest, and Cuff24.com for supplying the rigid metal stock that the urinal gimp is wearing. This update includes 2 videos and 86 still images. |
BONDAGE BARRACKS GALLERY: 954 / DATE: Apr 13 2017 / IMAGES: 37 / VIDEOS: 2 |  |  |  |
This is an unusual video featuring Bind and his friend Soldier Boy on Recon. Bind has been telling me about Soldier Boy's setup for a long time. Soldier Boy has built a realistic military barrack above his garage in an unused space. Soldier Boy served in the Army and I guess it stuck with him. His barrack is as real as possible including military uniforms and fatigues, lockers, and bunk beds with all the appropriate sheets and blankets. Inside the foot lockers are military issue tee shirts, briefs, hats and socks, and Marine PT shorts and shirts. The garments span from WW-II to the 1990's. But it doesn't stop there - Soldier Boy's primary car is an Army green jeep.
Soldier Boy likes to be around military garb, and even likes it in his bondage play. He hosts bondage play parties in his barracks. He's primairily a submissive, and loves to be tied up. While editing this video I noticed that Soldier Boy likes to pull and twist his restraints which allows him to feel how solid and unforgiving they are. He likes the sound of handcuff clicks, and the sound of chains rattling. I like and do the same thing.
This video is in two parts. In Part-1 Soldier Boy talks about himself and his interest in collecting military gear. In Part-2 Bind brings out the shackles and Humane Restraints and the two guys enjoy some holsome bondage play. The only problem is that both of these guys are subs, so the action during their play leaves something to be desired. In any case, Soldier Boy is a mature, handsome and submissive guy who really enjoys being bound. If you are a fan of military scenes, protocols and interigation you should contact him. Check him out on Recon and be prepaired to give him orders in a loud voice. :-) A special military style salute to Soldier Boy for all of the work he put into his barracks, and thanks to Bind for introducing us. Check out Bind's website MenInChains.com for a large selection of bondage videos. |
BOY TRAINING GALLERY: 951 / DATE: Apr 1 2017 / IMAGES: 69 / VIDEOS: 1 |  |  |  |
An odd thing happened to BoundTight when he was shopping at the Mr S store recently. Two leather thugs approached him from behind, put a cloth over his nose and mouth, and before he knew what was happening he had passed out.
The two thugs were hired by a local leatherman SFDom. They would kidnap this poor guy right out of the store, gag and restrain him, and deliver him to SeriousMaleBondage.com facilities. You might ask why the staff at Mr S didn't come to his rescue? Well, they were in on the deal. You see, whenever SFDom kidnaps a boy he uses Mr S bondage gear to restrain his victims, so naturally it's a win-win for everyone!
The kidnapee BoundTight was in pretty good shape but he was no match for a bizarre bondage wheelchair and all the Mr S restraints. When BoundTight awakined, he found himself gagged, blindfolded, and no longer at the Mr S store. He struggles against his bonds while SFDom wheeles him into a special training room at SeriousMaleBondage.com.
The goal behind the kidnapping is simple - force BoundTight submit to the wishes of his captor. SFDom has trained many boys to submit to his kinky desires, and BoundTight will be no different. With the help of some handcuffs, a spreader bar, vibrator, and a transparent head box, BoundTight melts into his captor's hands. Mission accomplished! That didn't take too long. Who's next?
Check out the Mr S on-line store for the best selection of gear at Mr-S-Leather.com, or visit their giant retail store in the heart of Fan Francisco's South-of-Market district. Warning! Watch your back or you could end up being kidnapped like our friend BoundTight. Then again, this could be an exciting San Francisco experience! A special thanks to both SFDom and BoundTight for this crazy video! You can find them both on Recon. |
MARKS BONDAGE VACATION GALLERY: 944 / DATE: Feb 22 2017 / IMAGES: 44 / VIDEOS: 4 |  |  |  |
Hey you guys, I am finally starting to play again! After 12 years of hard work my three websites are making just enough to cover my rent, so I feel I can breathe a little easier and do some of my own bondage play instead of working 'pedal to the metal' all the time. As you may know, I run SeriousBondage.com, SeriousImages.com, and this website SeriousMaleBondage.com. It's a lot of fun, but hard work - we're talking 24x7 kind of hard work. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that adult websites are easy to run and make a lot of money. I'm not getting rich - but I'm having a good time. I guess I'm not making the 'big bucks' because I don't focus on nudity and cum shots. But I don't want to shoot that stuff. I'm a gear head, so what's important to me is unique gear and people having fun. I guess I'll never be like kink.com. C'est la vie!
Anyway, this update features me and MummyEd talking about my bondage experiences at Bind's new jail in Hampton Iowa. After visiting his jail a few times to shoot videos, I decided to visit him and actually play in his jails instead of shooting other people having fun in his jails. This is a 60 minute video talking about my two overnight bondage sessions exactly as you see in the photos above. Yep! I was locked up like that for two nights and I loved every minute of it. It was beyond great. It was a mind-blowing experience. I love rubber and heavy metal, and this scene really did it for me, and I can't wait to go back and do it again. As a matter of fact, I wish I owned Bind's jail, I would spend every night like this.
In this update I share every little detail of my experience, including some self-bondage I did by myself before Bind arrived. I was especially excited about a new steel bondage belt I got from DungeonDelights, and some rubber helpless mitts I got from BlackStyle. Combining this gear made a comfortable and completely inescapable bondage setup which I enjoyed very much. For once I was enjoying the bondage rather than filming it!
I hope you enjoy this interview-style video and all that I have to share about my experience. This video features a bunch of still images because I didn't bring my video camera on this trip. A special thanks to Bind for taking the pictures and allowing me to enjoy his awesome facility. Check out his jail website at HamptonJail.com if you would like to visit the jail yourself. Also check out Bind's website MenInChains.com for his selection of cool bondage videos. As I always say, this guy is the real deal. |
RUBBER WATERBOARDING GALLERY: 942 / DATE: Feb 16 2017 / IMAGES: 29 / VIDEOS: 1 |  |  |  |
This is another crazy scene by our rubber friend Rank. Rank says that being his friend is "not just a job, it's an adventure". No kidding! In this video, Rank outfits his friend in multiple layers of rubber: a latex surf suit, then a neoprene dive suit, then a Studio Gum heavy rubber prison suit over that. Three layers in all, not to mention the dive suit hood and then the Studio Gum gas-mask hood.
The idea is was chain the poor guy in our underground deck cell so he can't escape, then hose him down with cold water from a garden hose. This scene was done in the middle of winter, and if the poor guy wasn't wearing a neoprene dive suit he would have got hypothermia. However, Rank is a scuba instructor and thinks of everything.
Not only was the poor guy chained in the cell with the water running, but another of Rank's friends was put into a tight rubber straitjacket with a high collar, rebreather bag, and an aviation gas-mask with tented visor. Once he was fully suited up, he was strapped to a mobile bondage chair where he could sit helplessly and watch his friend in the underground cell with the water running. He looked really cool in the gear.
As you can see, Rank and his friends are quite creative when it comes to rubber and bondage play. I give them a thumbs-up on this particular scene. The only thing which might have made this scene better was to completely fill the underground cell with water (which would have taken a couple of hours and created a huge water bill). In any case, these guys had a lot of fun playing with the gear in the middle of winter. It's fun to get together with like-minded rubber people! A special thanks to Rank and everyone involved, including the guys at Mister International Rubber in Chicago who loaded Rank the orange Studio Gum suit. Check out the Mister International Rubber (MIR) event each year to meet like-minded rubber guys.
This video was shot in the older TV screen format. If you have a problem playing this video, try installing and using the free VLC Media Player. |