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GALLERY: 988 / DATE: Nov 19 2017 / IMAGES: 35 / VIDEOS: 2

These days I am spending a little more time pursuing my own bondage interests. I play at home, and when I visit Bind at his Jail in Iowa. I love to be chained to the wall in Bind's jail cell and go overnight. My last visit was in the fall of this year and it was already freezing outside with occasional snowflakes in the air. Even though there is a heater in the jail area, the steel and concrete are still a bit cold. So, I wear sweats and boots to keep warm, and during this visit I used a 'Texas' catheter, so I wouldn't have to stop the scene to go pee.

This 2-part video captures my experimentation with some rubber gear I had brought with me, along with my first shot at being chained spread eagle in Bind's basement. Luckily there was a foam pad I could lie on to keep me off the cold cement floor.

All my bondage experiences during this trip were great, and I know a little more now how I can stage some bondage that I can spend the night in without problems. I can't wait for spring when I will visit Bind again and try some back-to-back overnight scenes. Overnight is the best because it is dark in the cell until the sun starts to come up and light from outside starts to enter the cell. Fantastic!

Visit Bind's website to see his cool bondage videos at MenInChains.com. If you care to spend a night in a real jail, visit his website at HamptonJail.com. This guy in the real deal!


GALLERY: 989 / DATE: Nov 13 2017 / IMAGES: 34 / VIDEOS: 3

This 3-part video featuring BikerMtl (Biker Montreal), JimmieFromAOL on Recon, and Dart_Tech on FetLife. BikerMtl was in San Francisco for Folsom 2017 and stopped by the Institute for a visit. During our conversations he asked if we still had the orange inflatable bad from StudioGum. Yes, we still had the bag. It's made of super-heavy rubber sheeting and weighs a ton because it has 4 layers of rubber which create a top and bottom inflatable bladder. We also had some other gear which goes well with the bag including a newly purchased NATO full-face gas mask, hospital patient monitor, e-stim gear, bubbler bottle, and Dart_Tech's popular laptop breath control program.

BikerMtl was looking forward to whatever we could cook up, so we integrated our assortment of gear into one scene. After all, you can never have enough gear. Right? Our friend Dart_Tech managed the scene and the technical logistics, JimmieFromAOL lended a hand, and I shot the video.

This scene was a lot of fun and flowed very well. This was the first time we had used the NATO full-face gas mask with the inflatable bag, and it worked great because we could plainly see Biker's eyes. Frankly, I don't recall ever having been in the inflatable bag, maybe I can give it a go next time. In any case, Biker did quite well with the laptop controlled breathing and the bubbler bottle. JimmieFromAOL enjoyed playing with the variable breath restrictor, and Dart_Tech did a great job of CBT with e-stim. The coolest thing was the hospital patient monitor in the background, telling us Biker's heart rate with the constant beep beep beep sound. The scene was just like a real operating room, only way more fun! A special thanks to BikerMtl, JimmieFromAOL and Dart_Tech for a fun scene. Lets do it again! Also, thanks to StudioGum for supplying their heavy inflatable bag. The internal arm flaps were a custom request by us, and not normally supplied unless requested.


GALLERY: 987 / DATE: Nov 7 2017 / IMAGES: 17 / VIDEOS: 3

Renfield: "The first time I realized I was one of those ‘strange' individuals with a peculiar sexual preference was during my pre-pubescent years. The defining moment was when I saw the cover of Pat Benatar's 1982 album Get Nervous which featured her in a white canvas straitjacket and padded cell. I'm not sure why this particular image became my calling, however the moment I saw the record in my brother's LP collection I found myself unable to stop looking at it - and subsequently the asylum scenario became part of my future. I remember trying to imagine the sensations that someone could experience within a padded cell; the texture of the walls, the inside of the straitjacket sleeves, the fear, the drama, the fun of it all. As years passed I finally purchased my own medical grade straitjacket and constructed my own padded cell. Even more time passed before I found a few trusted partners to help me indulge in my fetish. During my earlier years it seemed almost impossible to live my life with such closeted interests, but like all fetishists, I seem to have found a way..."

The videos in this update were home-made and sent to us by Renfield in 2010. He created the videos himself as a way to express his interest in straitjackets and padded cells. As with most fetishists, he went to great lengths to portray his fantasy as best he could, including building a padded cell in his apartment to shoot these videos. His name Renfield is a reference to a fictional character in the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. Renfield is an inmate at a lunatic asylum. Renfield: "What I've always loved about the history of medicine and especially psychiatry is that invariably all of these devices and techniques that were invented in earnest to help people were really just forms of torture repackaged: the straitjacket as a comfortable hug that never ends, shock therapy to calm people into docility." For those of us who have institutional bondage fantasies, this video provides a glimpse into what real incarceration might be like.

The videos in this update are in the older 'Windows Media' .wmv format. If you are not able to play these videos try loading the free open source VLC Media Player.


GALLERY: 910 / DATE: Nov 3 2017 / IMAGES: 17 / VIDEOS: 1

This video is part of a series produced by our friend Bind titled 'Imprisoned In A Hostile Nation'. Bind is a pretty creative guy and is really into bondage. Bind will tell you that he shoots these videos to pay his rent, but the truth of the matter is that he likes to be tied up in various ways.

In this video Bind is wrapped up in chains and made silent with a duct tape gag. Frankly, this reminds me of being a kid and wrapping myself up in chains in my father's workshop. I guess that's how I got into bondage. The chains felt good then, and they feel good now. They are tight and restrictive, and gave me a thrill as I surrendered to their control. As a kid I never thought about being gagged. Gags tend to enhance the experience of being helpless. Playing with chains was simply fun, and later on they provided me with a sexual thrill as well. I didn't know that at the time however, I just knew I felt good all over as the adrenaline rush and sexual juices started flowing through my body.

Bind is lucky that he owns a jail. It's a place where he can play with bondage anytime he likes. Day or night be can just walk from his house to his jail and be locked up in some way. This is a dream for me. I wish I had a setup like this. I probably wouldn't get anything done because I would be tied up all day.

Check out Bind's 'no porn' website at MenInChains.com. Bind likes to focus on bondage and not on sex, so his website may be the only one around like that. Our hats off to him for sticking to that policy. To me, it's all about the gear!


GALLERY: 986 / DATE: Oct 30 2017 / IMAGES: 152 / VIDEOS: 3

I've been cleaning up files on our editing computer and ran across these videos. The first is from years ago titled 'Relax' and features three of my bondage friends: Officer Rob, Officer Hawk, and Officer Bind. The video was shot in their LA detention facility which is no longer around. When these guys weren't minding their jail clients they would play grab-ass and tie each other up. This would happen at the drop of a hat with no warning, and it was a blast to see them in action. This first video highlights a suspended bondage table used in their psych evaluation room, and how officer Rob found himself tackled and restrained with little warning. I'm not sure, but I think he loved every minute of it! I miss these guys.

Next, the tables were turned and officer Hawk found himself in a suspended strap cage with officer Rob and a handful of clothespins in control. The third scene is just some video we shot in my backyard of an expanding foam test. Months later we encased his whole body in expanding foam but it didn't work out very well. Among many problems, the foam got too hot when it was setting.

The second and third videos in this update were recorded during one of our live streaming tests. We were using an old camera so the quality isn't very good. For the most part, the live stream featured our friend Agent Smith and various pieces of bondage gear including Dalton's famous 'Floaty Thing' which he made from water pipes, garage door springs and Humane Restrints. We also put Agent Smith is a selection of RigidCuff metal bondage gear. Agent Smith has an attractive body because he works out, but he can't show his face. We haven't seen him for years. Check out his website at TrapperSmith.com. As I said, these last two videos were shot with an old camera in the old 4x3 television format. If you have problems playing these videos try loading the free open-source VLC Media Player. The still images in this update are way sharper than the video!   :-)


GALLERY: 985 / DATE: Oct 24 2017 / IMAGES: 25 / VIDEOS: 1

This is another eye popping self-bondage video featuring our friend JimmyUSMC. In this video he describes a fantasy he's had for years about sneaking into an abandoned jail or prison and locking himself up in chains and shackles, only to be discovered by someone who finds him, and takes away his keys so he can't escape his own bondage.

Frankly, I had a similar fantasy when I was a kid. My fantasy was that everyone in the world would disappear and I would then able to freely enter our local police station and tie myself up with the gear. This fantasy was sparked by a tour of the police station when I was in the grade school Cub Scouts. I never forgot the two single handcuffs mounted into the wall on each side of a wood bench where they would sit the prisoner during the intake procedure. I guess if the prisoner was rowdy his wrists could be shackled to the wall, apart, at each end of the bench. Hot! I bet they don't allow that now. Anyway, I was very in the closet about my attraction to bondage so my fantasy never included the part where someone comes in and finds me locked in the gear.

JimmyUSMC is a true bondage guy, and craves the bondage experience. Jimmy can be found on Fetlife under the same name. Although this video is a little unbelievable, it was fun to shoot and we all got really into it. Jimmy ended up humping the pad he was lying on, so it must have been working for him too. It was certainly working for us. This video was shot at Bind's jail cell in Hampton Iowa. If you want a real jail experience, book a stay at his place HamptonJail.com. Also check out Bind's bondage website MenInChains.com for more cool videos. As a side note, I will be visiting his jail cell at the end of this month. For part of my nine-day stay Bind won't be there so I will have the whole jail to myself. Just like my childhood fantasy. I can't wait!


GALLERY: 984 / DATE: Oct 17 2017 / IMAGES: 55 / VIDEOS: 1

Do to a lack of oversight in this mental facility, a dangerous patient was able to overpower a doctor and administer a shot of sedative to him. Once the drugs took effect the patient swapped clothes with the doctor and secured him in a canvas restraint blanket.

Just as this rouge patient was about to make his escape, another patient was brought into the room by an unsuspecting orderly. Chaos ensued. Who is the real doctor? When all was said and done this dangerous and clever patient was able to restrain all three and slip out the back door to freedom.


GALLERY: 983 / DATE: Oct 9 2017 / IMAGES: 17 / VIDEOS: 1

Being put into bondage stirs up a myriad of pleasing emotions and physical excitement. The problem that most bondage lovers have is finding someone to put them into the bondage. As a result, the idea of self-bondage occurs to most everyone who loves to be bound.

This video features our friend Jimmy USMC (Fetlife) putting himself into 4-point spread-eagle bondage in the basement of an old house. Among all the methods used by self-bondage practitioners, Jimmy uses a pair of ice locks which he purchased from Mr S Leather. As the name implies, Ice locks are filled with water and then frozen in the refrigerator. The locks open once the ice melts, which takes a few hours. Jimmy uses two ice locks attached to the chains of each wrist. The 'oh fuck' moment occurs when Jimmy closes the padlocks attached to each wrist. Once the padlocks are closed Jimmy must wait until the ice melts to gain his freedom. Naturally the 'oh fuck' moment requires a lot of trust and thought before the locks are finally closed. We can see the thought and evaluation Jimmy puts into this scene before he reaches the 'oh fuck' moment. Once he closes the padlocks and becomes totally helpless, we can see the exhilaration he experiences and the growing bulge in his pants. He is all alone and down for the count.

As attractive as self-bondage can be, it is also extremely dangerous and possibly fatal. If you know someone who has been playing with bondage for a few years or more, ask them about any self-bondage experiences they may have had. Many people have experienced close calls, and some have not lived to tell about them. The problem is that excitement fogs one’s ability to think clearly and as a result they make a mistake in the preparation or execution of their self-bondage method.

In any case, on the lighter side, this video is quite sexy. For those who have experienced self-bondage you can relate to Jimmy's hesitation, and for those who haven't experienced self-bondage you can sit back and watch this scene and get off knowing that you don't have to play on the edge like Jimmy. As many people say, bondage isn't real until you want out. I hope you enjoy watching Jimmy in this video.

A special thanks to Jimmy USMC (Fetlife) for being so out and comfortable with his bondage interests. Check out Jimmy's Tumblr blog HERE. Also, a special thanks to Bind from MenInChains.com for helping shoot this video. Jimmy will be featured in Bind's 11-part video series titled 'Appleville' starting in January 2018. Don't miss Jimmy in a number of hardcore bondage scenes in this hot series.

WARNING - Self-bondage is extremely dangerous and quite possibly fatal. Do not use this video as an example for how to do self-bondage. Self-bondage should never be done alone. This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you play with self-bondage do so at your own risk. Many people have lost their lives doing self-bondage.


GALLERY: 980 / DATE: Oct 2 2017 / IMAGES: 152 / VIDEOS: 2

Here are two crazy videos from way back towards the beginning of this website. Back then we shot our videos on tape instead of chips. The first video is titled 'Candy Store' and features Mikey, Tony, Rank, FudgePup, Bruin, and Dalton. All of these guys came over at the same time, so we were forced to tie up multiple people in one shot. No problem! This time Mikey wasn't in bondage, so he and Tony helped with the video camera. The highlight was Bruin tied to a chair with an intense leather hood with a giant built-in gag and no eye holes. This hood was made by a fan of the site and given to us years before. As you can imagine, it's an intense hood because the giant gag is forced into your mouth and there is no way to spit it out. You are totally gagged - and fucked. In addition to Bruin, our rubber friend Rank volunteered to be put into our vertical stocks. This is fairly strinuous because his arms are over his head so circulation becomes a problem. The vertical stocks are actually the stocks from our bondage table mounted in a vertical frame. The third guy in this scene was FudgePup in a latex gimp suit and pup hood, who wallowed around on the floor looking for attention. What a crazy scene!

The second video features MummyEd, Dalton, and Rank in an inflatable StudioGum rubber bag. We had just acquired this bag from MedicalToys.com in northern California, and Rank volunteered to give it a try. Since we shot this video years ago, we have used this bag on the website many times. However, I don't recall getting a chance to try it out myself. Maybe someday. In any case, it's a cool bag, especially with a gas-mask. I'd like to try it for a few hours or more one of these days! Check out the StudioGum site for a selection of heavy rubber gear.


GALLERY: 981 / DATE: Sep 25 2017 / IMAGES: 29 / VIDEOS: 1

This is another video featuring our laptop breath control program. We have showed this setup a few times before, but this video seems to capture the personal interaction of SFdom and his sub 'Eridor' (Recon) during a session. Personally, I'm not into breath play, but everyone seems to like this laptop rig so we will shoot it a few more times before moving on. WARNING - Breath play can be extremely dangerous and possibly fatal. Do not use this video as a suggestion on guide on how to do breath play. This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you play with breath play do so at your own risk.

Our staff programmer has come up with another program which is a full screen timer for timing the duration of a bondage scene. The full screen display of the countdown is combined with a bigger flat panel display which is hooked to the laptop allowing the subject and our video camera to see the numbers more clearly.


GALLERY: 982 / DATE: Sep 18 2017 / IMAGES: 38 / VIDEOS: 1

Mr Kristofer is a well known star in bondage videos, and it was our honor to have him visit the SeriousBondage Institute recently. He's a friend of SFdom, and the two of them came to try out our new padded bondage platform.

Luckily the platform and it's stocks are made of heavy steel, because once SFdom has him secured and the play begins, who knows what may happen. SFdom likes to edge his boys so naturally Mr Kristofer needed to be fully restrained. As you can imagine, edgeing might drive this musclear sub into a frenzy and someone could get hurt.

Check out this video and see a speciman of musclear beauty grind and whimper as SFdom works his magic. Mr Kristofer's cum shot is worth the price of admission! A special thanks to SFdom for bringing Kristofer to the Institute. Visit Kristofer's popular Tumblr Blog for more photos and information about this hot guy!


GALLERY: 977 / DATE: Sep 11 2017 / IMAGES: 37 / VIDEOS: 1

Spread eagle in metal shackles on a cement floor is always fun. Unlike the spread-eagle position on a bed, cement floor bondage feels raw and crude. Your predicament is humiliating, and you are quite vulnerable. The shackles feel extra solid and unforgiving as they are attached to bolts in the cement. Frankly, I like the feel of this kind of bondage and have done it recently myself. Just put a gas mask on me, turn out the lights, and leave me for a few hours to enjoy my helplessness.

The video in this update consists of two scenes. The first scene features SFdom and Eridor and spread-eagle floor bondage. The second scene features Bind in a Maxcita canvas bondage suit chained in the doorway. This is a cool use of some unique gear, but I still like the spread eagle on the cement better!


GALLERY: 979 / DATE: Sep 4 2017 / IMAGES: 36 / VIDEOS: 1

This wood coffin is so cool. It was made of scrap lumber by our friend Bind. I was at Bind's jail earlier this year and saw the coffin for the first time. It is every bit as heavy and exciting as it looks.

We had some Recon guys with us including 'Eridor' and SFdom. Eridor wanted to try the coffin in a straitjacket, and Bind needed a video for his website, so we filmed this little video just for fun. By the way, the orange straitjacket Eridor is wearing is from a website StraitjacketShop.com.

The wood coffin fits Bind exactly because he made it for himself, but it also fit Eridor and myself without a problem. The coffin is intense because it's a tight fit for all of us, it's rigid with absolutely no give to the heavy wood, and the sides of the head box are so close that you can't turn your head. I tried the coffin while wearing my heavy rubber suit, and it took a little bit of time to squeeze in and get the lid shut. I was riding the edge of panic so the lid wasn't locked so I could push it open at any time. I guess if I had more time I could have become more comfortable in the box, which I might do in the future. As a matter of fact I'm at Bind's place again as I'm writing this, so I should add the coffin to the list of stuff to do during the next few days.

In any case, a fun time was had by all including Eridor who had a smile on his face the entire time he was in the box. By the way, as you will see, Bind actually used wood screws and a power drill to further secure the lid of the box when Eridor was inside. Talk about overkill! Oh well, I'm the same way when it comes to gear. More is always better. And along the way SFdom expressed his fear about being locked in such things, which is why he's a domme and not a sub!  :-)

A special thanks to Eridor, SFdom and Bind for a fun visit to Bind's place in Hamption Iowa. Check out Bind's bondage videos on his website MenInChains.com, and his awesome jail cell at HamptonJail.com. His jail is the only place you can experience real incarceration without actually being arrested. The place is also listed on AirBnB. Check it out!


GALLERY: 978 / DATE: Aug 28 2017 / IMAGES: 7 / VIDEOS: 2

This video is not the popular musical with Julie Andrews. This video features MummyEd, Dalton, and NoEscapeSlave from 2013. We had just met NoEscapeSlave and this was his first visit to SBI. This was a memorable visit for him because he was the center of attention for two bondage scenes, back to back, and he didn't see either one of them! Yep. He had to review this video later on to see exactly what happened.

In both scenes MummyEd used an ErosTek box hooked to his cock and a butt plug, and he was restrained in both a suspended Neoprene sleepsack from Mr S and a custom built oak bondage chair that someone had donated to the Institute. The highlight of both scenes was the ErosTek box which was set in the microphone mode. In this mode the ambient sound around the box triggers the amount of stimulation. MummyEd used his iPad to play music into the ErosTek box and the result was immediately apparent as NoEscapeSlave moaned and groaned and twisted about. I think we decided that percussion and drum music was the best, although the Gregorian Chants came in a close second!

In any case fun was had by all, and NoEscapeSlave has been back to the Institute many times for other bondage adventures. We have also been to his house to film crazy scenes as well. NoEscapeSlave recently moved to a new house and has a big room set aside for a playroom. We look forward to helping him outfit this new room, and watch for more videos shot at his new place!


GALLERY: 967 / DATE: Aug 21 2017 / IMAGES: 30 / VIDEOS: 1

Once again I am out of town helping my friends build an ultra-cool jail play facility, so I am updating the website remotely. The play facility includes two jail cells, a solitary confinement cell with two doors between the prisoner and the guard, and a 4x8 padded cell with overhead infrared tv camera for monitoring the psycho patient.

Just thinking out loud - either directly or indirectly the internet is allowing previously taboo interests to surface and flourish. Such is the case with my friends jail project. It was inspired by other private jail cells which I have featured on this website. We will see more of these play jails spring up in the future as others decide to build their own. I wish I owned a jail myself. I would be locked up in it every night. I guess the next best thing is to help my friends build one. Stay tuned to this website as I will be shooting videos in their new jail very soon.

OK, back to reality. This weeks update features our friend SFdom and his aussie friend BondageBiker (recon) using a StudioGum inflatable bag. This bag has two inflatable chambers, one on top and one below, so the aussie is squished like being inside of a rubber sandwich. For more fun we wired him to a EKG monitor so SFdom could monitor his heart rate while stimulating him with a vibrator. Hopefully BondageBiker's medical insurance covers this kind of treatment.


GALLERY: 976 / DATE: Aug 14 2017 / IMAGES: 34 / VIDEOS: 2

This update includes 2 videos. The first video titled ‘Control’ highlights one of my favorite pieces of bondage gear. It's a muzzle with a ring attached at the mouth. This enables the submissive to be led around and controlled by the ring which creates a very humiliating and degrading feeling. Adding to the submissive's embarrassment, the ring on the front of his mouth is attached to a bolt in the wall, and then to the floor. With his wrists cuffed behind his back he is unable to resist what his face is attached to. Hot!

In this video SFdom takes advantage of his boy's helpless situation and attaches his face to various bolts and chains. His boy is MikeCBT23 on Recon, and he loved every minute of it. This is an example of the pure fun and romance of bondage. Bondage can create a special emotional bond between two people, sometimes lasting a lifetime. As you will see in this video, both SFdom and MikeCBT23 have a great time with the muzzle and create a hot scene for all of us to enjoy.

The second video is a promotional clip from our friend Bind over at MenInChains.com. He’s producing a series of videos titled ‘Mind Trap’ which will feature tons of cool bondage scenes with a story woven throughout. Check it out. He puts a lot of effort into his videos so let’s support his efforts.

  3.. 2..1.. AIR OFF

GALLERY: 968 / DATE: Aug 7 2017 / IMAGES: 62 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, I am currently out of town helping some friends build an ultra-cool jail cell facility. I'm doing this update from my phone. More about the jail cell project in future updates. Meanwhile, this video features SFdom and BondageBiker and a crazy laptop program that controls BondageBiker's air. Please enjoy this video but remember it is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this video as an example. Breath play is extremely dangerous and possibly fatal. If you play with breath control do so at your own risk.


GALLERY: 975 / DATE: Aug 1 2017 / IMAGES: 13 / VIDEOS: 3

This video features our heavy rubber friend Tom from Canada. Tom was in town for the popular Dore Alley Fair, now known as 'Up Your Alley' fair. Dore Alley is the little brother of the massive Folsom Street Fair.

Tom recently purchased a Studio Gum heavy rubber 'Prison Suit', and brought it to the SeriousBondage Institute to share with us. He also brought a face-entry one-piece rubber catsuit from Latex Catfish. Both of these suits are special and unique. The face-entry catsuit is a new design of suits on the market that have no zippers. The rubber actually stretches enough for you to get into and out of the suit through the neck opening, or in this case the face opening of the attached hood. Yep! Tom shows and explains to us how this works, but I won't believe it until I get a suit of my own and try it myself! Tom's other suit is a one-piece heavy rubber with attached hood from Studio Gum, and features various face pieces that can be attached over the hood. The face piece he had included a built-in anesthesia mask.

In order to properly test the Studio Gum suit, I chained Tom down to a padded bondage surface and attached a hospital ventilator to his mask. This is one of my favorite scenes, and as you will see, Tom really enjoyed the experience. He humped the suit but was unable to get off, so he had to go home horney and frustrated! A special to thanks to Tom for sharing his gear with us. For those who enjoy heavy rubber combined with metal bondage, this video is for you!


GALLERY: 974 / DATE: Jul 26 2017 / IMAGES: 20 / VIDEOS: 3

My friend SFdom (Recon) and I visited Bind recently, and on the last day, only a few hours before we left for the airport, I was able to get in a little bondage time of my own. I wanted to try spending time in cell-3 which Bind has modified with a second inside jail door. This means that there are two heavy jail doors to be locked behind which is quite exciting.

Cell-3 is sometimes called 'The Hole' because it doesn't have much light and no view to the outside. The cell is small and intimidating because it is surrounded by steel and concrete. There is absolutely no escape, and when the lights are turned out at night you know you are really fucked. My goal is to spend a few nights in the cell, chained to the wall, where I will need to sleep sitting up. I might use a Texas Catheter if I need to, because I don't want to call for a bathroom break. I have done two all-night stays in Cell-2 which I have shared on this website recently, but Cell-3 is way more fun and I can't wait to give it a go.

Some of you may find my personal bondage reports and videos boring because there's not much action and I'm not a sexy young guy. I get a lot of satisfaction out of shooting bondage scenes and running this website, and I like to share my own experiences pursuing nirvana in heavy rubber and metal bondage. Such is the case with this video. We shot this at the last minute, and this combination of gear will be what I want when I return for my next visit.

SFdom and I spent a week at Bind's jail cell shooting four guys from Recon that SFdom had lined up. We all had a great time, and I suspect we will get together and do it again in the future. For those who don't know, our friend Bind (on Recon and Fetlife) owns this jail located in Hampton Iowa. Bind's primary interest is in jail cells, metal cages, and shackles and chains. Bind purchased this historic Iowa jail a few years ago and is restoring both the jail and attached house a little at a time. He is doing a great job and the place is looking really good.

I am fortunate to be friends with Bind who allows me to shoot non-pornographic videos at his jail in exchange for promotion. I hope you enjoy this video, and look for future videos which will document my overnight experiences in greater detail. Check out Bind's website MenInChains.com and the website for the jail at HamptonJail.com. This place is the real deal.


GALLERY: 973 / DATE: Jul 19 2017 / IMAGES: 65 / VIDEOS: 1

Every once in a while we are lucky enough to have a bondage celebrity visit us at the Institute. In this case our friend SFdom on Recon made the arrangements. SFdom is a mover-and-shaker in the leather community and knows a lot of people in high places. He made a few calls and to our surprise the popular BDSM pron star Kristofer Weston showed up at our door!

Kristofer is a long time bondage enthusiast and director of videos found on COLT, Falcon, BoundJocks, Kink Men, and most recently produces videos at Mr S. This guy is not only muscular and attractive, he's a nice guy and quite knowledgeable with bondage gear. He's also familiar with SeriousMaleBondage.com and was happy to pay us a visit.

Kristofer said he had an attraction to metal bondage, so he and SFdom sorted through our gear and found some metal toys that Kristofer liked. Once he and SFdom got rolling we became mesmerized by Kristofers handsome face and hard muscular body. This guy looked so great in the metal gear we could hardly keep our mind on shooting the video! This guy is the kind you see in movies, not standing in front of you. SFdom was mesmerized as well and couldn't keep his hands off of Kristofers chest. What a fantasy to have your way with Kristofer while he's chained up and helpless. SFdom had him in a suspended steel helmet, steel belt and wrist shackles, and a serious spreader bar. In a classic bondage position, Kristofer's balls were connected to the middle of the spreader bar below which forced him to keep his knees bent to avoid pulling on his sack. This position can't be maintained for long, and it was a pleasure to see Kristofer suffer and moan until SFdom released his balls.

Needless to say, these two guys had a great time. We hope that Kristofer will come back in the future and visit us again for more metal bondage fun. A special thanks to Kristofer and SFdom for this hot video. Check out Kristofers personal website, Tumblr blog and Twitter feed. This guy is the real deal!
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241 - 260261 - 280281 - 300301 - 320321 - 340341 - 360
361 - 380381 - 400401 - 420421 - 440441 - 460461 - 480
481 - 500501 - 520521 - 540541 - 560561 - 580581 - 600
601 - 620