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GALLERY: 1295 / DATE: Sep 4 2023 / IMAGES: 52 / VIDEOS: 1

Here's another video about the new Silencilicone silicone gags. This video is a round table discussion between SFDom, FuckBoy94114 and me. We thought it would be helpful to have a close-up look at all the versions of this new silicone gag.

These gags are relatively new on the market, invented by a guy in Germany. So far, he doesn't have a website, however he's listed on Etsy.com which can be found HERE. My goal is to provide useful details about the sizes and variations of this product. The owner of Silencilicone was nice enough to loan me a big box of his gags for me to use in my bondage videos as well as create short video clips for advertising on Twitter.

Personally, I think the mouth guard gag, the breathing tube gag, and the gag with the front metal ring are very exciting, and I hope to spend some quality time in each of them. As you will see in this video, there are a lot of variations to choose from. The owner is a creative, high-tech bondage guy himself, so he knows exactly how to turn kinky customer suggestions into quality products.

I hope this round table discussion sheds some light on the myriad of sizes and variations that are presented on his Etsy Silencilicone website. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1294 / DATE: Aug 30 2023 / IMAGES: 27 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a hot video featuring Mr Kristofer and his submissive Colt McGrrrr. The video was shot at the EdgeDungeon, which may have been the last video shot there before the property is sold. We were having a going-away party, not knowing the eventual fate of the dungeon.

Both Mr Kristofer and Colt McGrrrr were at the party. These two guys are pretty damn handsome and attractive, and they're both fans of heavy bondage gear like the steel Cravat (sometimes called the 'Scavengers Daughter) in this video. This unique piece of gear was made by Rick at DungeonDelights. It's actually a copy of a smaller Cravat which I purchased online. The online piece had a smaller neck, and the ankles were drawn up much closer to the wrists which made it pretty uncomfortable for the average size guy. The seller told me it was made for the OWK (Old World Kingdom) in Europe. We thought it might have been made for women.

In any case, we asked Rick at DungeonDelights to copy the Cravat and enlarge the neck and extend the ankles. He did a really good job, and as you can see it fits Colt McGrrrr pretty well. He looks really hot while restrained in the Cravat with his black leather hood and black boots. There's absolutely no way to escape or protect his cock, he's totally vulnerable. Additionally, the Cravat is heavy and harsh so there's no possibility of struggling or thrashing about. And even if he had the key there’s no way to reach the single padlock which holds the Cravat together at his feet!

At the beginning of the video Mr Kristofer leads Colt McGrrrr into the solitary cell by his cock. Colt is restrained in a Lerman Halo medical brace and a pair of handcuffs behind his back. I love this combination of gear. As Mr Kristofer demonstrates. the solitary cell has an outside and inside door for maximum security, and screw holes in the concrete floor for threading eye-bolts in wherever they might be needed. Pretty cool, Eh? I love all this heavy stuff. As far as I'm concerned, the more intimidating and scary the gear the better. Right? I hope you enjoy this video as much as we did filming it!


GALLERY: 1293 / DATE: Aug 14 2023 / IMAGES: 55 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a fun video featuring our German friend BondageFan70 on Twitter and Fetlife, Thorben995 on Planetromeo. He has come to visit us in San Francisco twice this year for some serious bondage vacations. Like many of us, he works hard at his day job and looks to bondage play for down time and stress relief. Same goes for me. BondageFan70 owns a lot of unique and custom made gear, and he likes to pack some of this gear in his suitcase to bring with him. You have probably seen photos and video clips of his custom stainless steel 'Exoskeleton', which is undoubtedly an amazing piece. However, on his latest trip he brought a a pair of mind-blowing electromagnet hand restraints. These ingenious devices are made for self-bondage, 3D designed and printed by his kinky friend. I must say, these are the very things that fantasies are made of!

These 3D restraints use a pair of 12-volt DC electromagnets to lock down the wrists once each of the five fingers are fully inserted into their own restraint tubes. Once your fingers are inserted into the five tubes and the wrist clamp is closed and engaged with the electromagnet there is absolutely no escape. This pair of magnet restraints are far more solid and secure than they appear in the video. We mounted the restraints to a bondage chair to play with, but a more secure mounting is required to keep them absolutely stationary. In any case, you'll get the idea. I used a timer box which I had made for some other self-bondage magnet projects to power these hand restraints.

The video in this update features four scenes that we filmed with BondageFan70, and I'm looking forward to editing more of the videos we shot of various crazy bondage scenes we shot during his visits. I'm pleased that BondageFan70 comes all the way from Germany to San Francisco to play with us. Part of the reason for his most recent visit was to attend the San Francisco Dore Alley street fair, otherwise called the 'Up Your Alley' street fair. Hummm... I thought Germany had all the action? Check out his profile BondageFan70 on Twitter and Fetlife, Thorben995 on Planetromeo. Check out BondageFan70's OnlyFans site HERE.

WARNING - Self-bondage is extremely dangerous. This video should be used for entertainment purposes only. It's best to leave self-bondage as a fantasy. The dangers of self-bondage can't be anticipated, and you only discover them once you're secured and helpless. Play safe.


GALLERY: 1292 / DATE: Aug 7 2023 / IMAGES: 40 / VIDEOS: 1

I had a chance to hook up with the manufacturer of the next generation of silicone gags. He's located in Germany and his business is called 'Silencilicone'. I consider his business to be the 'next generation' of kink products because he uses digital printing and liquid silicone to cast his gags. No longer do we need to find red rubber balls to make gags out of! He invented his gags out of necessity; he wanted a better gag that would fill his mouth, be effective in preventing talking, and was safe to use by not triggering a gag reflex.

So he went about making a gag for himself, and after many tries came up with a design that satisfied his need. He showed it to friends, and they wanted one too. But making gags that fit other people's jaw was a big challenge. By the time he was done and started to sell his gags he discovered that he needed six different sizes: XS, S, M, L, and XL. On top of that, he found that people had different gag reflexes, so he needed to make each gag in three different depths. All in all, it took thousands of hours of hard work to perfect the gag sizing. And, after getting a handle on a range of jaw sizes and depths, he invented a number of variations like accommodating people who breathe through their mouths, a ring for locking the gag to a bolt in the wall, a double-ended threaded shaft for attaching two gags together, etc.

We have all seen his gags in photos on Twitter, but I thought it would be helpful to everyone if I put out some additional info. The video in this update is just a few clips of stuff we shot with his gags last week. I'm planning a much more in-depth video showing each gag size and all the variations that can be ordered, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, check out his site on Etsy at Silenccilicone.


GALLERY: 1139 / DATE: Jul 28 2023 / IMAGES: 87 / VIDEOS: 1

This is another video from the archives featuring a set of serious wooden stocks. As you guys may know, I built these stocks many years ago for my own self-bondage play. The original idea was to use them horizontally on top of a flat surface bondage table which I also built. However, as time went by, I came up with the idea to mount the bondage table frame and the stocks vertically. This worked out great and was a lot of fun. The stocks were still movable up and down so they could be set to accommodate people of different heights. The stocks themselves took a lot of work to make. One of the problems I encountered was that the wood was too thick for securing the neck comfortably. So, as you can see in the top-center photo, I had to shape the wood to half of its thickness at the neck opening but leave it the original thickness for the wrists. This worked out pretty well.

When I was building the stocks, my goal was to immobilize every part of the body. As a result, I built four stocks. One for the wrists/neck, one for the waist, one for the knees, and one for the ankles. In this video, the knee stock is not used. I used big thick pieces of wood, big hardware, and big padlocks. Everything needs to match in its proportions and 'seriousness'. Bigger and heavier is always better as far as I'm concerned.

Both the wrist/neck stock and the ankle stock have two pairs of different size holes for accommodating large and small wrists and ankles with-and-without boots. Look around on this website for other videos featuring these stocks used in both the horizontal and vertical positions as well as the different size wrist and ankle holes. You can find these videos by using the search window at the top-left of this page. Just type in the word 'stocks' and see what comes up. A special thanks to our friend Jamie in the stocks, Mikey and Daddy Tony, MummyEd and Pooka. Fun was had by all.

NOTE - this video was shot in the early days of this website with an old camera and is in the old Windows Media video format. If you have problems playing the video, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1144 / DATE: Jul 28 2023 / IMAGES: 29 / VIDEOS: 2

This is a video from the archives featuring our friends Mikey and Daddy Tony. Mikey is always the submissive and Daddy Tony is always the Top. Because Mikey and Daddy Tony also lived in San Francisco, they would visit us quite often to play with any new gear we had. Each time they showed up, we would have some new bondage device to put Mikey in, which is fun for us all. Mikey was our test pilot.

In this video Mikey and Daddy Tony played with our newly built 'Gingerbread Mummification Stand'. This was a padded frame that was cut out of plywood. To make it, we had someone lie on a piece of plywood, and we drew the outline of their body on the plywood with a Sharpie pen. Next, using a saw, we cut the plywood around the outline and created what looked like a Christmas 'gingerbread cookie' likeness of their body. This is the reason we call it the ‘Gingerbread board’. After the plywood 'cookie' is cut out, the plywood becomes a little flimsy for someone to lie on. So, we attached numerous metal legs to support it off the floor. The plywood cutout is a little narrower than the original body we traced with the Sharpie pen. This will help with the mummification wrapping to make it fit tight and form-fitting. Because the gingerbread board is supported off the floor with the metal legs, it allows the rolls of pallet wrap and duct tape to be easily wrapped under and around the body. This makes the mummification process very fast and easy.

For those who are unfamiliar with mummification, pallet wrap is used first to cover the body. Then, in this case electrical tape can be wrapped over the body. This layered process prevents the electric tape from sticking to body hair and the skin. In addition, we always keep a few pairs of EMT safety scissors handy to cut off the pallet wrap and tape in an emergency. These safety scissors are used by emergency medical professionals to cut the clothing off their subjects. The scissors have a blunt end, so they won't cut or jab into the skin. The scissors are very important to have when doing mummification. Do not use regular scissors.

Once Mikey is totally wrapped and secured to our gingerbread stand, Daddy Tony uses a pinwheel and e-stim to torment his helpless partner. As we have seen many times, poor Mikey never has a chance to enjoy the bondage because Daddy Tony is always tormenting him in some way! If you use the search window at the top-left of this page and do a search for 'Mikey' you can find all the videos of him and Daddy Tony. These two guys are a lot of fun to watch. NOTE - this video is in the old Windows Media format. If you have problems playing the video, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1289 / DATE: Jul 5 2023 / IMAGES: 38 / VIDEOS: 1

This video is another look at the infamous wooden Academy Chair. As I mentioned in previous updates, this bondage chair was built and used in the popular 'Academy' bondage videos back in the days of distributing videos on VHS tapes. The Academy was presented as a gay BDSM training center where guys would go for bondage and SM experiences. Years later this bondage chair landed in the hands of a bondage group in Pennsylvania called Delta. I arranged with their members to borrow the chair and film it for this website.

In this video our friend HotHardHat is wearing his neoprene wetsuit and multi-port rubber gas-mask hood with three rebreather bags. HotHardHat loves the experience of total enclosure rubber and then breath control applied by one of his domme friends. In this case his domme friend is Wired4Fun, who is a switch with lots of experience. Although I'm not into breath play, this scene really works for me. I love total-enclosure rubber and serious bondage, and I wouldn't mind spending hours or even all night in this chair.

One of the unique features of this chair is the flat HumaneRestraint mitts which are anchored to the wooden surface in front of HotHardHat. This is a great idea and so hot. HumaneRestraint leather cuffs are also used to restrain HotHardHat's forearms. Whereas some bondage chairs are much bigger and wider, this chair resembles a compact child's highchair. The final thing that sets this chair apart from other chairs is the wooden chin brace that spans the width of the chair. In this scene the chin brace wasn't used, but you can see it used in the first update titled 'Wooden Academy Chair Part-1'. This chin brace completes the effectiveness of the chair, rendering the subject completely helpless and forcing him to sit with correct posture.

During this video Wired4Fun does a good job of explaining the chair and the bizarre breath restriction gear of his subject. A special thanks to Wired4Fun for his clear narration, as well as HotHardHat, SFDom and the Delta group for loaning us the chair. This video is similar to the prior updates Part-1 Part-2, but it's always nice to take another look at this classic vintage bondage chair. Enjoy!

WARNING - this video is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this video as an example or guide. Breath play is dangerous and possibly fatal. If you experiment with breath control, do so at your own risk.


GALLERY: 1290 / DATE: Jun 26 2023 / IMAGES: 55 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, just a reminder, I'm working on moving all the videos from this website to a new server and content management system. This new system will scale the screen size to display on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop PC's. The changeover to the new platform will happen later this year, so stay tuned.

This is another fun video from our visit to Yohan555 in Germany. Yohan discovered rubber and bondage later in his life, and from what I can see he can't get enough of it. My kind of guy! Check out his posts on Twitter and you can see all the play he does - almost daily. His house is like bondage Disneyland. Yohan is a smart and creative guy with both scientific and DIY knowledge which allows him to build and modify gear at home.

This video features BoyBlake in rubber and mummified to an upright pole by LeatherSamFinland. This is a cool scene, but for me the best part is the perforated latex hood BoyBlake wearing. It's from KinkProjects.com in China. The laser micro perforations are so small you can barely see them but allow BoyBlake to see and breathe easily. So, you get the feeling of having your face completely covered in rubber, only you can get around and function easily. Then add a gasmask you will have the ultimate full enclosure head-trip. This video also shows a few clips of a naked upside-down hogtie suspension featuring AlphaDragon and ChainDragon. It was a cool scene. Maybe we can shoot these two guys again for a full length video? Check out their combined Twitter at EvilTwoDragons.

Next comes PsychoSJ, also on Twitter. Psycho and his friend have built two cool bondage devices. The first is a stainless-steel bondage transport chair featured in the update 'Germany in September Part-1". In this update Psycho demonstrates his metal 'Bishop Stand'. This vertical bondage stand was inspired by a similar device built by the infamous guy Gord. However, Gord was inspired by a popular bondage illustrator back in the 70's called The Bishop. You can see a lot of The Bishop's art by doing a google image search for 'the bishop bondage’. As you will see, PsychoSJ fits perfectly into his Bishop Stand because it was custom made. If you order one you will need to give your exact measurements.

The final scene in this video features Yohan555 tormenting a friend who needed some serious bondage downtime. Many of us experience stress in our lives, and a great way to chill out is to be put in inescapable bondage. In this scene Yohan's friend is in a rubber suit, red leather straitjacket and rubber hood and gasmask. He's lying in Yohan's padded cell with a chain locked to his collar, and another that restrains his ankles. Both chains are secured to the floor of the padded cell, so he's not going anywhere. Yohan straddles and torments him with talk about giving up control and relaxing into his helpless situation. Clearly, Yohan's patient needs some serious relaxation!

A special thanks to Yohan555 and his friends BoyBlake, LeatherSamFinland, Eckie (in the background), AlphaDragon, ChainDragon, and Peter for appearing in this video and sharing their bondage play with our camera. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1286 / DATE: Jun 2 2023 / IMAGES: 45 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, just a reminder, I'm working on moving all the videos from this website to a new server and content management system. This new system will scale the screen size to display on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop PC's. The changeover to the new platform will happen later this year, so stay tuned.

The video in this update is very cool. It was shot last year when SFDom and I went to Germany to meet Yohan555, attend Folsom Berlin, and shoot with BondageFan70. In this video we visit Yohan555 and try a new technique for doing a full body fiberglass cast. Suggested by Yohan, the idea is to do the fiberglass casting before applying water. For those who may be familiar, usually the fiberglass rolls are dipped in water to activate the resin glue. Once the fiberglass is wet, you only have a few minutes to apply it before the resin starts to set. So, doing a complete body cast must be done rather quickly and doesn't work very well.

Yohan's suggestion was to completely wrap the subject with fiberglass, and then apply the water. Why didn't we think of this before? Yohan had a shower in his basement utility room, so we completely wrapped our subject Boy Blake and then used the shower head to drench him in water. This worked perfectly! Usually, with the prior method of dipping the rolls of fiberglass, it's difficult to join the arm and leg casts with the torso because at least one of them has already set and dried. Once the fiberglass has hardened newly wrapped fiberglass doesn't stick to it. So, with this new technique of completing all the wrapping and then applying the water, all the arm, leg and neck joints join to the torso and adhere properly. This is a fantastic idea which we will use in the future.

This video also includes a quick tour of Yohan's basement which includes loads of bondage gear and cells. Most of the guys who were visiting didn't want to show their face, so I had to blur a lot of faces in this video. I appreciated meeting Yohan. He has a lot of practical skills which he uses to build his unique 'bondage basement'. The second floor of his house has a big bondage play area which you will see in future videos. A special thanks to all the guys in this video including Yohan555, Boy Blake in the fiberglass cast, Eckie in the orange prisoner suit, LeatherSamFinland, and the two naked guys helping with the casting Hierona and Aploun. Fun was had by all!


GALLERY: 1284 / DATE: May 15 2023 / IMAGES: 74 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, just a reminder, I'm working on moving all the videos from this website to a new server and content management system. This new system will scale the screen size to display on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop PC's. The changeover to the new platform will happen later this year, so stay tuned.

The first part of the video in this update features SFDom, KinoPayne, and our friend Yossie's ultra-cool jail cell in his basement. We have shown his basement playroom a few times on the site, but in this video I wanted to show a custom metal collar made by Martin of RigidCuff. Martin is from Germany but moved to the US a while back. During Martin's heyday he made a lot of metal bondage gear with his homemade CNC (computer controlled) milling machine. You can see all the gear Martin made by clicking HERE.

One of the pieces I was attracted to was Martin's Jail Bar Collar. This collar closes around both the neck and a jail bar, securing the person to the jail bar wall. This is so hot! So, the first part of this video shows Kino in a heavy StudioGum hood, restrained to the jail bars with Martin's collar. In addition, Kino is secured with a pair of metal restraint mitts and a pair of Martin's ankle cuffs. Once Kino was fully restrained, SFDom applied his edging skills to keep Kino at a feverish pitch!

The second part of the video in this update features a nylon wet-look bondage sleeping bag or sleepsack. Bondage gear made of nylon and other inexpensive materials are becoming popular these days. Sleeping bag manufacturers discovered that with slight modifications of their existing products they could sell to the bondage market. In any case, the quality of the black nylon sack in this video was not very high. It wasn't well thought out. This is what happens when a manufacturer with no knowledge of bondage starts making bondage gear. C'est la vie! For more information, do a Google search for words like 'nylon bondage sleeping bag sleepsack'.


GALLERY: 1283 / DATE: May 4 2023 / IMAGES: 64 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a really great video we shot recently at the EdgeDungeon. As you may have heard, the Edge Dungeon may not be around much longer due to the rising and unpredictable costs of owning property in the Santa Cruz mountains along the California coast. Starting with the Northern California drought which created forest fires and property loss around the Dungeon, then the covid pandemic which created services and supply chain shortages for rebuilding, to the recent California mega-storms which washed out roads and trees and brought down electric lines and city water supplies, the owners of the Dungeon are being forced to rethink living along the beautiful coast of California. So, stay tuned for a decision on whether to keep the Dungeon open or throw in the towel.

As a result, we gathered a group of guys to spend what might be the last weekend at the Dungeon. Included in the group was the popular domme Mr. Kristofer, as well as SFDom, PupJake, BondageFan70 from Germany, and others. I must apologize, when we get a big group together, sometimes I can't remember everyone's scene name.

Since I'm a bondage guy, let me start by telling you that the video in this update features another version of the metal arm binder from DungeonDelights, as well as the red wooden stocks which we have filmed a few times before. And, what started out with Mr Kristofer topping PupJake, two other guys jumped in so by the end of the video poor Pup was being tormented by all three!

Mr. Kristofer requested to be a domme in some future SeriousMaleBondage videos, so this seemed like a good time to film his 'Alpha Top' skills. I love his topping style which is firm yet respectful. This undoubtedly comes from Mr. Kristofer's experience as a switch. In addition, he's such a muscular and handsome guy, who wouldn't want to sub to him. In case Kristofer might be new to you, do a Google search for his name (mind the spelling of Kristofer). In addition, he's worked with Mr. S for years, so you'll see him in their advertising photos. Personally, what I like about Kristofer is that he genuinely enjoys being put in 'serious' bondage gear as a sub. My kind of guy!

In this update, Kristofer locked Pup in a metal ankle spreader along with our prototype metal arm binder, both from DungeonDelights. This is a great combination. The arm binder was suspended from overhead which took the weight of the binder off Pup's shoulders. Later, Pup was locked in the red stocks. The stocks were given to me a few years ago. I reworked and painted them and have used them in a few of our videos. Unlike other versions of stocks, they restrain both the ankles and neck/wrists. These stocks fit Pup well, and once he was locked in them, he was completely exposed and helpless. The stocks also roll around the floor easily which wasn't really shown in this video.

All in all, everyone had a good time. We even celebrated with a special Swedish Princess cake just in case this is the last video we ever shoot at the Edge Dungeon! A special thanks to the EdgeDungeon owner, Mr Kristofer, PupJake, SFDom, DungeonDaddy and Colt McGrrr.


GALLERY: 1147 / DATE: Apr 15 2023 / IMAGES: 77 / VIDEOS: 1

This is another video from the archive shot in 2010, featuring our friends Mikey and Daddy Tony. We usually call these guys just 'Mikey and Tony', but Daddy Tony is the name that Tony uses on Recon. I think Mikey's Recon name is 'Bondage Kid'. We haven’t seen these guys in years. They moved from San Francisco to Seattle for their jobs a long time ago. We saw them once at ILM in Chicago years ago and they were doing great. As a matter of fact, do a search in the window at the top of this page for 'IML' and I think you can find a video of Mikey and Tony we shot at IML.

Anyway, this video features Mikey is his custom, deluxe, two-tone, suede leather sleepsack from Mr. S. He's strapped down to our padded 'ironing board' bondage platform. This is nothing more than a piece of plywood cut out like a human silhouette and covered with some foam rubber and then some black upholstery material from the local sewing fabric shop. We used 3/4 inch water pipe to make legs for the padded board. Once finished, our bondage board looked like an ironing board.

Mikey's cock is wired up to some e-stim, and he has buds in his ears playing sounds. He is wearing a leather muzzle from Mr. S, and sound isolation headphones. Lastly, his eyes are covered with some bizarre LED glasses that are supposed to flash in different patterns to calm you down. Some kind of therapy device. Something that Mikey and Tony brought with them.

If you look through the still pictures you will see that later on Tony got Mikey off with a hand-job. I'm not sure why we didn't get that on video, but Mikey's bondage predicament is great to see anyway. These two guys are really fun to watch. You can find other videos on the site by doing a search for the word ‘Mikey’ in the top-left search window of this page. By the way, although the suede sleepsack looks great, Mikey said it’s very hard to get the cum stains out of the suede.

NOTE - this video is in the old Windows Media format. If you have problems playing the video, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1281 / DATE: Apr 4 2023 / IMAGES: 41 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, just a reminder, I'm working on moving all the videos from this website to a new server and content management system. This new system will scale the screen size to display on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop PC's. The changeover to the new platform will happen later this year, so stay tuned.

The video in this update is 90 minutes long and is just a compilation of stuff we shot during a recent trip to NoEscapeDungeon.com in Las Vegas. We always have a good time when we visit this playroom, and we keep ourselves busy thinking up kinky things to do. How fun is that?

The first scene is just a little fun we had with our friend Baily, some handcuffs, and some pull-over sweatshirts from Mr S. Some of you guys may have already played with handcuffing someone's hands inside a sweatshirt and then taking them out in public. This is always exciting for the handcuffed person, as they feel quite vulnerable. I once knew a Danish guy who would play with his partner in a similar way. His girlfriend would make him wear women's high-heel boots, and then restrain his hands in the pockets of an old jacket. The pockets were torn out, so his wrists could be in restraints that were attached to his belt. As a result, he couldn't pull his hands out of the pockets. She would drive him across town and leave him in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Then he would have to make his way back home with the click-click of the high heels and his hands restrained in his pockets. Naturally this was a rather edgy thing to do, and he told me that whenever they played this little game he felt really excited and scared at the same time. I wrote an article about this guy, which includes his story about the jacket restraint play, which is titled The Ballet Mono-Shoe.

The second scene in this update features Bind trying out the Cravat or 'Scavengers Daughter' which I purchased earlier this year. I love how Bind was restrained in a cage, in the Cravat, with lots of chains. I love this kind of serious steel bondage. It's not often that you see this kind of bondage. As you will see, the Cravat is made from rather heavy steel bar, and it feels heavy and inescapable when I'm in it.

The third short scene is our friend and I in two StudioGum rubber hoods in the bathroom. StudioGum makes some amazing rubber hoods and suits.

The fourth scene is Bind trying out SFDom's heavy rubber vac-bag. The NoEscapeDungeon has a central vacuum system that we used to suck down the bag. It's a powerful vacuum located in the garage with outlets around the house which you can plug the vacuum hose into. The best part of this setup is that you can't hear the vacuum running since it's located downstairs in the garage. It's quite a strange experience having the rubber bag suck down around your body.

The fifth scene is with our friend Baily who is locked into a steel arm and wrist restraint. I think we showed this once before on the site. It's a very cool piece of bondage gear, made by our friend Rick at DungeonDelights.com. This restraint was copied from an old Twitter photo, and modified by Bind.  I have tried this restraint in rubber and it's really rigid, restrictive, and effective at giving me an extremely helpless feeling. We have another version of this restraint on order from DungeonDelights with some modifications. Fantastic!

The sixth scene is with Luke and SFDom. Luke is hooded and stretched over a fuck bench and edged by SFDom. This is a hot scene, and Luke's boner is as straight and hard as a steel rod! I guess he liked the torment and edging that SFDom dished out. SFDom is indeed a great Top!


GALLERY: 1280 / DATE: Mar 14 2023 / IMAGES: 29 / VIDEOS: 1

Just a reminder you guys, I'm working on moving all the videos from this website to a new server and content management system. This new system will scale the screen size to display on Phones, Tablets, laptops, and desktop PC's. The changeover to the new platform will happen later this year, so stay tuned.

The video in this update features a new heavy rubber molded cocoon sack that we shot at NoEscapeDungeon.com in Las Vegas. This new sack is very exciting because it's super heavy latex rubber, one piece, with a zipper running up the back. This sack is from ForFun.store (an unusual URL) in Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand is a major producer and exporter of natural latex around the world. Natural latex is made from the sap of rubber trees, whereas tires and other industrial rubber products are made from petroleum. You can tell the difference by the smell, which is why serious rubber enthusiasts always smell the rubber.

Our friend Bind ordered this heavy sack, and it took one year for it to be delivered to him. Hopefully their delivery time is faster these days. I tried the sack myself, and it's very exciting indeed. I'm unclear if ForFun accepts custom orders. Bind gave them his measurements, but the sack seems tight around the leg calves, so I'm not sure how custom it really is. In addition, the sack doesn't come with arm sleeves unless you ask for them. As you will see in the video, the arm sleeves were a bit tight for Bind, and could have been made with heavier rubber.

There's not much more to say about this sack other than it's the kind of rubber cocoon we all fantasize about. Let’s keep any eye on the ForFun.store website and see what else they come up with. A special thanks to Bind for sharing this sack with us!


GALLERY: 1279 / DATE: Feb 28 2023 / IMAGES: 57 / VIDEOS: 1

This is Part-2 of our visit to our friend HotHardHat in New Jersey who owns a vintage Iron Lung. Surprisingly, I guess there aren't many of these machines around anymore. I tried a Google and eBay search and didn't turn up anything. I think Iron Lungs popup now and then at auctions, but for now, HotHardHat's Iron Lung is the only one I've run across.

As I said in the description in Part-1, many of us are attracted to bizarre, unusual, scary and invasive medical gear, and the Iron Lung certainly fits that category. Invented in 1928, the Iron Lung was an early attempt at a mechanical respirator used to keep patients of polio alive. Polio was one of the most feared diseases in industrialized countries, paralyzing thousands of people in the early 1900's. For polio patients who were unable to breathe on their own, the Iron Lung would automatically pressurize and depressurize which would flex the patient’s lungs and simulate normal breathing. The modern equivalent of the Iron Lung is the ventilator, which we saw being used extensively in 2020 during the onslaught of the Covid virus before vaccines were developed.

In this video, our friend Havok was the first patient to take a ride in the Lung. As you will see, we had to fiddle around with the iris neck seal and adjust the pressure range which the Lung cycled between. I suppose the pressure range is adjusted for the needs of bigger and smaller people whose chests require different pressures to effectively compress. I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn’t try the Lung myself because we ran out of time. I would like to try the Lung overnight while dressed in all my rubber. I'll try this during a future visit.

The unexpected and interesting effect of the Lung is that you can't talk when you are inhaling. Humans normally talk and make sounds when we exhale. We adjust our breathing so that we exhale as long as is necessary to complete our sentence. However, when the Lung is controlling your breathing in a normal cycle, you can only talk out loud when the Lung is making you exhale. You can see this effect as our friend Havok tries to communicate with us. Additionally, since the Lung is controlling your breathing cycle, it's difficult to cum because as you get more excited the Lung prevents you from breathing any faster. I think this is the problem Havok was having.

As we become more knowledgeable and comfortable with the Lung, we will use straps and restraints on our patients which will allows them a more helpless feeling. I would like to be restrained during my overnight experience.

A special thanks to our friend HotHardHat for sharing his awesome gear with us. His Iron Lung is one of the more unique pieces of gear we have presented on SeriousMaleBondage.com.


GALLERY: 1278 / DATE: Feb 15 2023 / IMAGES: 63 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, just a reminder that I'm working on moving this website to a new content management system which will accommodate different size display screens including mobile phone and tablets. The new website system won't be online until fall of this year.

This is a fun video featuring a few new pieces of gear. The first piece is a heavy steel 'Cravat' which I purchased from a guy for $400. I'm a bit confused about the name 'Cravat' because Google shows it as a decorative fabric neck band, but upon further searching a cravat is associated with a 'Scavenger's Daughter'. The popular bondage supplier Fetters in the UK lists it for sale as a Steel Cravat Restraint. In any case, this Cravat is from the Old World Kingdom (OWK) BDSM facility in the UK. Clearly, the cravat was made by a talented European blacksmith as the metalwork and rivets have a European look. It's certainly a piece of art as well as an exciting bondage play toy. It appears to be made for women as the neck and wrist openings are rather small, but it fits most of us small to medium size guys. This is a serious piece of gear.

We shot this video in Las Vegas at NoEscapeDungeon.com, and our subject was Bind's friend Baily. Bind locks him into the cravat with the addition of rubber ball mitts from BlackStyle and an inflatable hood from StudioGum. This combination of gear looked fantastic on Bailey, including his latex catsuit and black leather boots. This is the first time we have used the inflatable hood and had to mess with it a bit before we figured out how the inflation valve worked.

This Cravat or 'Scavenger's Daughter' is fairly severe, but a real turn-on. I gave it a try at Bind's house and want to go in again. It's totally rigid, heavy and unforgiving. When I was in it, we tried laying me on my side, but there was too much pressure on my neck. If the neck diameter was larger, it might have been ok, but as it was the cravat closed around my neck with no room to spare. Once I was on my side, I had no way of up-righting myself. So, if I was left unattended and accidentally fell on my side, death would probably be right around the corner.

One thing to take note of. Both the Cravat used in this video, as well as the Cravat shown on the Fetter's website have wrist openings that are big enough for many people to slip their hands out of. This is why Bailey is wearing the rubber ball mitts. It seems like every Cravat I have ever seen has this problem, along with the ankle openings. So, if you ever obtain a Cravat you need to be OK with using heavy boots as well as leather or rubber helpless mitts to make the device inescapable.

The image of Bailey in rubber and the Cravat, in the cage, is a total turn-on for me. Cocooned in rubber, and no escape! To up the ante, Bind screwed an air regulator to the front of Bailey's hood, which was connected to an air tank. I love the predicament, the helplessness, and the sound of the air whooshing in and out of the regulator. This is so hot! It's my turn next.


GALLERY: 403 / DATE: Feb 2 2023 / IMAGES: 9 / VIDEOS: 2

Hey guys, just a reminder that I'm working on moving this website to a new content management system which will accommodate different size display screens including mobile phone and tablets. The new website system won't be online until fall of this year.

This update features a cool video from the archives with friends Mikey and Daddy Tony, and a unique seven-point metal restraint device. Let me tell you, this restraint looks as exciting as it feels. This device holds you in a vulnerable and upright standing position, and once you're locked in there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You immediately realize that you're fucked, and there's no possibility of escape!

I don't think this restraint has even been sold in fetish stores. The first one I saw belonged to Maxcita, and the one used in this video was actually a copy of the Maxcita restraint. The main factor which makes this device effective is the double-joint which connects the collar to the upright vertical bar. Without this flexible joint the rig would be too awkward and uncomfortable, and the subject wouldn't last very long.

The device that Maxcita owned came with a few different sizes of cuffs and horizontal bars. As an example, smaller cuffs for the ankles and larger cuffs to fit around leather boots. The cuffs for the upper arms also came in two sizes.

When using this device in the standing position, you need to be careful the subject doesn't lock their knees and faint. You can imagine the disaster it would be to try to get someone released from the restraint if they fainted. You can find more information about this detrimental effect by Googling for 'locked knees and fainting'.

This feendish bondage device can also be used on a subject while they're lying face down on the floor or bed. Needless to say, there’s no way they can move around or roll over. In addition, the ankle bar can be repositioned up the back to hold the legs bent, similar to a hogtie. The disadvantage of the subject lying cafe down is that the subject can get themselves off by grinding against the floor or bed.

The last thing to mention is the leather hood. It's homemade, with a giant gag sewn inside. Pretty hot, eh?

The video in this update is in two parts, in the old Windows Media format. If you have a problem playing the videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1274 / DATE: Jan 15 2023 / IMAGES: 29 / VIDEOS: 1

Here's another fun video we shot at Bind's jail. When I visit Bind I usually shoot the videos and we share the content between our websites. In this case Bind also edited the video and gave me a copy, so this video has his titles and music.

In this video Bind was the fall guy when the guys drew straws to see who was going to be 'it'. As usual, Bind drew the short straw, so he was mummified in pallet wrap and locked in his fiberglass sarcophagus. Why does this always happen to Bind?

Once Bind was locked in the sarcophagus, the guys wheeled him outside and loaded him into a pickup truck. The idea was to drive him around town, but first the truck needed gas and the guys needed something to eat. When you watch this video remember that Bind is actually in the sarcophagus in all the shots but since the back walls of the bed were so high nobody could see him. Too bad the guys didn't pass by a big semi-truck and have the driver look down and see the sarcophagus in the back of the truck! Doing bondage in public is always a thrill.

This reminds me of a scene we did where we had our German friend ModeNarr in a Maxcita canvas straitjacket and hood, and strapped to the inside wall of a U-Haul van. ModeNarr had a big red ball gag stuffed in his mouth under the hood. We were driving up to Yossie's remote jail which was a few hours north of San Francisco. We got off the freeway, and before we started on a long curvy road to Yossie's property we stopped at a grocery store to pick up some sandwiches and drinks. We parked on the far side of the parking lot so in case we opened the back of the van nobody would see ModeNarr. However, at some point we opened the rolling door on the side of the van, and at the same time someone must have driven by and looked in that we hadn’t noticed.

After we got our sandwiches, we started the log drive to Yossie's place on back roads. I was driving ahead of the U-Haul and in my rearview mirror I could see four police cars pulling over the van. Oh no! I turned around and went back to see what was going on. Someone at the grocery store had called the police and reported a kidnapping victim tied up in the back of our van! I told the police we were shooting a bondage video for YouTube. They said it was illegal to transport someone in the back of the van because they weren't wearing a seat belt. The police were sure surprised when we opened the side door of the van and they saw an unidentifiable male figure in a white canvas straitjacket and matching hood, strapped securely to the inside of the van. They requested that we release and remove all the gear from our friend so they could ask him some questions. They led our friend a few feet away and asked him stuff like 'are you ok' and 'have you been kidnapped'. So, after all was said and done, the police told us that our friend had to ride in the cab of the van and wear a seatbelt. Then the police got into their cars and drove off. We were all a bit shaken but laughed about it anyway.

As you will see, Bind did a great job building his fiberglass sarcophagus. It’s a work of art, and everyone wants to give it a try. This video in this nothing more than a bunch of guys helping Bind experience one of his fantasies. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did filming it! Check out Bind's website MenInChains.com for more of his great bondage videos.


GALLERY: 1277 / DATE: Dec 31 2022 / IMAGES: 60 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey guys, I receive occasional emails from members complaining that this website doesn't display properly on mobile phones. I know this, and I'm in the process of moving the all the videos over to a new platform which will scale to both mobile and desktop. This is a big job, and I'm a one-man shop, and I lost a lot of momentum during the pandemic. I should have the new system on-line by the Fall of 2023. So please be patient and thank you for supporting my website.

This update features a video we shot on our Germany trip in September of 2022. The guys in the video are Thorben (on Fetlife and Twitter, Thorben995 on Romeo), his domme friend Smartist, and SFDom. Check out BondageFan70's OnlyFans site HERE. I'm running the camera. This video was shot in Thorben's secret underground playroom where he has all of his custom-made bondage gear. In the previous update titled 'Germany In September Part-2' we showed Thorben's fantastic stainless steel Exoskeleton. Thorben has a friend on FetLife called 'SelfBondageChair' who builds all of his gear including the Exoskeleton and the Isolation Bondage Box shown in this video.

As you can see in the above center photo, Thorben's Isolation Box has ten wood inserts with cutouts that pin all parts of his body down to the bottom of the box. Each insert has a pair of slide latches which lock it in place. This box reminds me of a magician's magic trick, but I assure you it's inescapable. The box has a top which hinges closed and locks, but we didn't use it in this video. We have all seen photos of similar boxes on the Internet, but I'm not sure they have as many inserts as Thorben's box.

Thorben is into bondage, CBT, milking, E-stim and breath control, and this box covers all of his requirements. In this scene he is using an E-stim butt plug, a Serious Kit Milker with E-stim, nipple E-stim, ear buds, and a gas-mask hood and hose for breath control via an external bubbler bottle. All the E-stim wires and gas-mask hoses pass through the head of the box.

As you will see, once Thorben is secured in the box with the ten inserts, virtually all of his movement is removed. He becomes extremely helpless and vulnerable, which is the experience he's seeking. Thorben and his domme Smartist have been playing together for a long time, so Smartist knows exactly how to setup all the E-stim and take Thorben for the stimulation ride he desires. I tried my best to film all the details of the setup. The ten wood inserts fit Thorben's body exactly, so if Thorben gains any weight he's no longer going to fit in his box!

Smartist and SFDom start the E-stim and slowly ramp it up to a level Thorben can tolerate. The E-stim is pulsing with pre-recorded music which Thorben is listing to through the ear buds. This is the warm-up phase, where they can adjust the milker and work out any problems with the E-stim. Thorben requests that he stay at this level for a while, so SFDom goes into the kitchen for an ice cream break. Smartist told us that there's a certain passage of the music that will make Thorben cum, so after we finished our ice cream Smartist turned up the E-stim levels and took Thorben for a high-intensity orgasmic ride. I focused the camera on the head of Thorben's cock that was pulsing up and down in the transparent milker tube. I was trying to film the head of his cock and moment he came.

Thorben moaned and yelped a lot as the music pulsated the E-stim on his cock, butt plug and nipples. Luckily Thorben is in great physical shape which allows him to experience the higher levels of E-stim play. The box and it's black padding made loud creaking sounds as Thorben jerked, yelled and thrashed about. Finally, we could see some cum emerge from the top of his cock and little bubbles appear inside the milker. Indeed, Thorben's favorite passage of music combined with stringent bondage, E-stim and suction milking were the right ingredients for an orgasm. Intense! After all the gear was removed from Thorben's body, he laid in the box recuperating from his ride. There were red marks down the front of his body where he struggled against the wooden inserts. From the background his friend Smartist said 'he's cooked'. Indeed Thorben was cooked!

WARNING - The activities shown in this video are for documentary and entertainment purposes only. Do not use this video as an example or guide. The activities shown in this video can be dangerous and possibly fatal. If you practice these or similar activities, do so at your own risk.


GALLERY: 1276 / DATE: Dec 15 2022 / IMAGES: 35 / VIDEOS: 1

This is Part-1 of some unusual videos we shot of an Iron Lung owned by our friend HotHardHat. Our friend is primarily a heavy rubber guy, with an interest in layering, cocooning and bondage. Recently, HotHardHat acquired a massive collection of gear including heavy rubber hoods and suits, diving gear, medical braces, and an antique Iron Lung. The guy who previously owned the gear had been collecting for years from E-Bay, Craigs List, etc.

Many of us are attracted to bizarre, unusual, scary and invasive medical gear, and the Iron Lung certainly fits into this category. Invented in 1928, the Iron Lung was an early attempt at a mechanical respirator used to keep patients of polio alive. Polio was one of the most feared diseases in industrialized countries, paralyzing thousands of people in the early 1900's. For polio patients who were unable to breathe on their own, the Iron Lung would automatically pressurize and depressurize which would flex the patient’s lungs and simulate normal breathing. The modern equivalent of the Iron Lung is the ventilator, which we saw being used extensively in 2020 during the onslaught of the Covid virus before vaccines were developed.

This is the first of a series of videos featuring the Iron Lung. This video is an introduction, explaining the Lung’s use and operation. Part-2 and subsequent videos will show us taking turns in the Lung while experimenting with bondage, gas-masks, bubbler bottles and being jerked off by the trained medical staff standing outside the Iron Lung. This video includes the Iron Lung owner himself HotHardHat (FetLife), our trained medical staff SFDom, and onlookers Pup Havok and his partner. As it turned out I was not able to try the Lung myself, but we hope to visit HotHardHat again so I can experience this awesome machine in full bondage and rubber!
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